CR(Carriage Return, 0Dh)——\nLF(Line feed, 0Ah),——\r回车(CR)和换行(LF)符都是用来表示“下一行”的。而标准没有规定要使用哪一个。于是产生了三种不同的用法:Dos和windows采用回车+换行(CR+LG)表示下一行(亦即所谓的PC格式,谁让MS最早雄踞PC市场呢,^_^),UNIX采用换行符(LF)表示下一行,MAC机采用回车符(CR)表示下一行。
In Normal, the text will be searched literally.
In Extended, special character sequences will be interpreted as special characters such as newline characters. In this case, you can choose from:
\\ - Backslash character;
\t – TAB character;
\r – CR character;
\n – LF character;
\0 – NULL character;
\x## - Hexadecimal value (between 00 and FF);
\u#### - Extended hexadecimal value (between 0000 and FFFF, meant for Unicode characters);
\d### - Decimal value (between 000 and 255);
\o### - Octal value (between 000 and 377);
\b######## - Binary value (between 00000000 and 11111111).
In Regular Expression, the query will be handled like a regular expression (POSIX).
The search direction determines to what relative direction of the cursor will be searched. Up means text before the cursor will be searched, Down means text beyond the cursor will be searched.
To find the (next) hit, press